Billing and Coding

No Surprise Act: Emergency Billing (Surprise)

Surprise Billing Emergency Telehealth Encounters (BC) (15 min.) In this informative lesson, the intricacies of the No Surprises Act and its implications for telehealth providers, especially in emergency settings, are explored in depth. Highlighting the significant changes the act has brought to provider reimbursement models, the presentation clarifies the prohibition on balance billing and the necessity for accurate good-faith estimates. Given the act's extensive impact and the ensuing legal challenges, healthcare professionals are urged to stay updated on forthcoming revisions and interpretations.

Douglas Grimm, Esq., FACHE
Partner and Health Care Practice Leader
ArentFox Schiff
  • Surprise Billing Emergency Telehealth Encounters
  • Surprise Billing Emergency Telehealth Encounters Quiz
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  • You must complete the test "Surprise Billing Emergency Telehealth Encounters Quiz"
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